Experiential Learning and Activities Based Training


Activities-based training or experiential learning revolves around the idea that active participation enhances the learning experience. One key benefit is increased engagement, which is crucial for knowledge retention. According to research (1), active learning methods, like activities-based learning, lead to higher student motivation and improved academic performance. This principle applies not only to traditional education but also to corporate training. Employees who actively participate in training activities (2) are more likely to grasp and remember key concepts.

Moreover, activities-based learning eliminates dull moments during sessions. This methodology injects energy and excitement into the learning process. When employees or students are actively involved in discussions, group activities, or hands-on exercises, the training becomes more enjoyable and memorable. This aligns with the concept of experiential learning (5), where individuals learn by doing and reflecting on their experiences.

To emphasize the practicality of this approach, team formation based on Belbin’s roles (3) has been used to enhance teamwork and collaboration. Assigning individuals roles that suit their strengths encourages them to actively participate, leading to better team dynamics.

The research document on innovating education (4) underscores the importance of innovative teaching methods, and activities-based learning falls squarely into this category. It’s adaptable and can be tailored to suit various learning objectives and industries.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for effective remote learning methods became more apparent. Research on supporting the continuation of teaching and learning (6) highlights the importance of engaging students and maintaining their interest in remote settings. Activities-based learning proved to be a valuable strategy in this context, ensuring that remote sessions remained interactive and enjoyable.

In conclusion, activities-based learning is a well-supported training methodology that enhances engagement, retention, and overall learning experiences. Backed by research, this approach has proven effective in both academic and corporate settings, making it a valuable tool for educators and trainers seeking to create dynamic and impactful learning environments.

At our boutique team building and soft skills training company, we have more than 20 years of experience in conducting interactive and effective training sessions. We have worked with clients in more than 28 cities across the Asia Pacific region, including multinational corporations and SMEs.

Our clients understand that good business performance is directly linked to the quality of the training their employees receive. Investing in team building and soft skills training can lead to numerous benefits for both individuals and the organization as a whole.

Improved Communication and Collaboration

One of the key benefits of team building and soft skills training is improved communication and collaboration within teams. Through various activities and exercises, employees learn how to effectively communicate their ideas, listen to others, and work together towards a common goal. This can lead to better problem-solving, increased productivity, and a more positive work environment.

Enhanced Leadership Skills


Another important aspect of team building and soft skills training is the development of leadership skills. Employees learn how to take initiative, make decisions, and motivate their team members. Strong leadership skills are crucial for driving innovation, managing conflicts, and ensuring the success of projects and initiatives.

Boosted Employee Morale and Motivation

Team building activities and soft skills training can also have a significant impact on employee morale and motivation. When employees feel valued and supported by their organization, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work. By investing in their personal and professional development, companies can create a positive work culture and attract and retain top talent.

Increased Productivity and Efficiency

By improving communication, collaboration, and leadership skills, team building and soft skills training can ultimately lead to increased productivity and efficiency. When teams work well together and individuals have the necessary skills to perform their roles effectively, tasks are completed more efficiently and with fewer errors. This can result in cost savings and a competitive edge in the market.

In conclusion, team building and soft skills training are vital for the success of any business. By investing in these areas, companies can improve communication and collaboration, develop strong leaders, boost employee morale and motivation, and increase productivity and efficiency. If you’re looking to take your business to the next level, consider partnering with our boutique team building and soft skills training company.

Follow these links to our programme write-ups:
Corporate Team Building
Corporate Training Programmes


  1. eric.ed.gov – Activity-Based Teaching, Student Motivation, and Academic Performance
  2. ispringsolutions.com – 9 Training Activities to Engage Your Employees
  3. sciencedirect.com – Team Formation on the Basis of Belbin’s Roles to Enhance…
  4. oecd.org – Innovating Education and Educating for Innovation
  5. bu.edu – Experiential Learning | Center for Teaching & Learning
  6. oecd.org – Supporting the Continuation of Teaching and Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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